Tri-State Quiz Bowl Alliance Agenda
The Tri-State Quiz Bowl Alliance has an ambitious agenda in its first year. But we’re already looking ahead to future goals and projects. These include, but are not limited to the following initiatives.
Also, if you have ideas of your own for improving the quality, growth, and development of quiz bowl in the Tri-State Area, and if you think that TSQBA can help realize those goals, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to add to these!
Future Ideas & Initiatives:

Quiz Bowl for Students in Inner Cities
Quiz Bowl has traditionally had very low participation levels by students at Title 1 schools, particularly those serving economically disadvantaged students in inner cities. At the same time, the Tri-State area is home to many innovative schools, charter school networks, and foundations supporting excellence in education (and of course, numerous motivated teachers, students, and parents). During the 2024-25 school year, TSQBA will begin exploring how best we can reach out to these stakeholders to create new opportunities for these students to compete in quiz bowl.

Launching New Leagues & Outreach to Pre-Existing Ones
At both the high school and middle school levels, there are several quiz bowl leagues in the area, including ones in Long Island, Westchester County, Rockland County, Upstate New York, and parts of New Jersey. TSQBA aims to support these leagues where needed, and to reach out to their participating teams to encourage them to attend other area tournaments. At the same time, TSQBA will look to see which other areas within the region could be served through quiz bowl in a league format, and potentially launch new leagues to serve their schools.

Serving as a Template Alliance for Other Regions of the Country
TSQBA will aim to establish a set of best practices for students and teams in the Tri-State Area. Once we feel confident that TSQBA has found a workable model, both IAC and LIQBA are eager to help expand this organizational format to other parts of the country that currently lack active state or regional quiz bowl alliances.