Tri-State Quiz Bowl Alliance

Serving the quiz bowl community in New York, New Jersey & Connecticut since 2024

About the Tri-State Quiz Bowl Alliance

The Tri-State Quiz Bowl Alliance is a combined initiative from International Academic Competitions and the Long Island Quiz Bowl Alliance that was founded to contribute to the growth and development of buzzer-based quiz bowl competitions in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

TSQBA exists primarily as an information clearinghouse to provide resources to academic teams, coaches, students, and parents; to facilitate the development of academic competition at schools that are both new and experienced; and to organize events and projects that heighten the profile of academic competition in the Tri-State Area. TSQBA itself is not a tournament organizer, but exists to support and ensure the success of other tournaments, whether organized by IAC, LIQBA, or independently by academic teams. For more details, please explore this website or contact us.

Quiz Bowl Competitors
Upcoming Tournaments

Upcoming Tournaments 

Resources for Teachers

Resources for Coaches 

Resources for Students 

Quiz Bowl

Buzzer Loan Assistance